Mouth, shoulder and part of the body of a green glass bottle

Mouth, shoulder and part of the body of a green glass bottle
With many bubbles and manufacturing impurities; the edge is exhaled outwards. It is partially reconstructed with fragments A70-1280 and La70-1190. Among the most characteristic materials of the deposits occupied in Roman times are the containers and other utensils of glass, although their appearance in castros is rarer. In Viladonga, however, various typical forms of Roman glass are well represented, for domestic uses, for lighting, for personal adornments, and so on.

Cultural context 
Measurements (cm) 
8,3 x 4,3 (Ø mouth)


  • Viladonga, 27259 - Castro de Rei (Lugo)
    Galicia, España
    N 43º 09' 38.97" W 7º 23' 19.32"
  • 982 870 160

Cofinanciado polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional